International Workshop on Perspectives of Geodesy in South-East Europe

Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2-6, 2000

organized by

Helmut Moritz (Graz University of Technology) and
Kresimir Colic (Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb)

The proceedings of the workshop will be published by the Graz University of Technology by the end of the January 2001.

List of presentations and abstracts:

Hans Sünkel:
The gravity field mission GOCE - a quantum leap for geosciences. Abstract

Erik Grafarend:
High resolution regional Geoid computation in the World Geodetic Datum 2000 based upon collocation of linearized observational functionals of type GPS, gravity potential and gravity intensity: case studies. Abstract

Herbert Lichtenegger:
Europe goes Eurofix. Abstract

Florjan Vodopivec, Bozo Koler, Miran Kuhar and Bojan Stopar:
National Geodetic Networks of Slovenia. Abstract

Kresimir Colic, Bosko Pribicevic, Damir Medak and Almin Djapo:
Absolute Gravity Measurements in Croatia. Abstract

Svetozar Petrovic and Piotr Skiba:
Polyhedra in the Gravity Field Modeling. Abstract

Frank Neitzel and Svetozar Petrovic:
Comparison of Forms - a Possible Criterion in Geometrical Deformation Analysis. Abstract

Adrijana Car and Damir Medak:
GIS in 2000 and Beyond. Abstract

Gligorije Perovic:
About PERG strategy for geodetic-network optimisation. Abstract

George Valev, Constantin Sava and David Heitzinger:
Application of GPS technology in the surveying and mapping of the Danube River. Abstract

Zvonko Biljecki and Kresimir Colic:
GPS-technology and the constitution of geoinfomartion system of the Zagreb City. Abstract

Oleg Odalovic:
Geoid Determination in Republic of Serbia. Abstract

Last updated on the 17th January 2001.