Application of GPS technology in the surveying and mapping of the Danube River

George Valev*, Constantin Sava**, David Heitzinger***

* University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia
** GEOECOMAR, Bukarest
*** Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TU Vienna

Abstract: Some results from the surveying experiment, carried out within a PHARE-project are described in this paper. There are many problems, concerning the surveying and mapping of the Danube river, and problems, arising when geodetic and cartographic data are used for the navigation, river construction, hydrologic and other researches. It is proposed, that all Danube countries should use a uniform co-ordinate and height systems for all control points, benchmarks and gauges, situated along the river banks and on the islands. The bases of these systems are EUREF and EUVN. Results, such as maps of the River Danube, GIS- applications, etc. have to be prepared in Lambert conic map projection. This system is named System 2000 and is presented by the authors. Optimal values of the parameters are derived. The authors also describe a technology for surveying and mapping of the Danube river and its islands by application of modern means (GPS, echo-sounders, total stations, photogrammetry, satellite images etc.). The transformation problems are discussed.
